Run Your House Like a Business

When I first had babies and an entire house to manage…I was VERY overwhelmed because I love an orderly home, but simply didn’t know how to obtain that without spending hours upon hours doing mundane-feeling chores. My problem wasn’t the amount of work I had to do, it was how I went about doing it.

Fast forward several years, and I created a system for myself that allows me an orderly home without the huge time commitments all at once.

The solution? The house is on schedule.

It’s not overwhelming when it’s spaced out and tasks are designated for a specific day. There is so much freedom & flexibility in the schedule that I truly thrive and rarely feel overwhelmed with my home. I have MORE time to do other things, like puzzles and stories with the kids before dinner. Want to hear the house schedule? Here it is…

Note that normal daily tasks include- laundry, dishes, quick pick-ups throughout the day, and random decluttering.


• Clean out the fridge:
This is when I take the time to evaluate the portions of food I’m buying. If the fridge is still full, I bought way too much. If it’s empty- I’m right where I need to be. I see what we need to eat up, see what went bad, etc. 

• Meal plan + Order groceries:
Because I would’ve just taken a deep look into what we have/don’t have this saves me so much money because I’m not wasting and buying doubles of anything. I prep, plan & write out everything using my meal plan templates. Then I head over to the grocery app and order everything for the week! If you want to see what a typical grocery haul looks like, lmk- I can do another post!

• Go over schedules:
This is that one load of motherhood that’s often so overlooked but can be so burdensome if you let it. Taking time to look at the week at a glance and writing everything down is the only way I make sure I plan the kid’s activities, doctor’s appointments, any other activities, errands, church activities, etc., and don’t forget about them!


• Manage Monday: 
That closet that’s been driving you crazy? Today’s the day to tackle it. That junk drawer? She’s getting some love today. You don’t need to finish it all in one setting- set a 15-minute timer and see what you can get done. Does it need organizing or does it need a good declutter? Mondays are for the crockpot and for those projects. 😆


• Spot Clean:
 Windows, mirrors, door knobs, and fingerprints. Tackle those high traffic areas that tend to collect clutter or mess—you know which ones I mean! This is a day that I pick a few things to accomplish in 15 mins.


• Office Day:
Go through extra papers, mail, school papers, desk declutter- all of it 👏🏻 I picked this day, because our trash pick up is the next day so it just makes more sense to throw away anything extra.


• Toy Day:
Rotation day, activity planning, organizing and anything involving the kid’s playroom gets done on Thursdays. Toy rotations have drastically evolved as the kids have gotten older🥲 so sometimes it’s a soft rotation.


• Weekend Prep:
Who wants to spend the whole weekend resetting the house? Not me! I’m all about balance. A light dusting, vacuuming, picking up, etc. to prepare and get the house physically ready for the weekend. I spiritually get the house ready too, but that’s a different post. Since laundry gets done daily, I make an effort to finish it earlier in the day. I also set out things that bring us joy- games, puzzles, books, painting, etc. 


• Deep Clean + Rest:

Saturdays are a big day 👏🏻 All the bed’s sheets get stripped and washed. Bathrooms get scrubbed, all appliances and stovetop are scrubbed, and floors get mopped. Surfaces get dusted, carpet gets vacuumed, and trash gets collected. After Saturday chores, we intentionally r e s t meaning something that brings us joy—sometimes together as a family, paired up, or individually. It’s important that we recharge and fill our cups.

Do I follow this perfectly every single week? No. Life happens and that’s okay. Having this as a foundation is very helpful when I don’t know where to start. In addition to this breakdown, having monthly/seasonal chores is also super effective 👌🏼

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with the house, try creating your own schedule and sticking with it for a month! After a month, you’ll slowly start to notice that there aren’t years of picking up to do. It gets less and less overwhelming and you feel more and more on top of it! Creating a more peaceful home 🕊️


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